Urgent Security Vulnerabilities Released!
In the last 24 hours, Critical Path Security has seen a couple of critical vulnerabilities that could affect your IT infrastructure and employee communication streams. Here is what you need to know: Microsoft Remote Desktop Services Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Remote code execution vulnerabilities are considered to be the most effective means of breaching networks and spreading malware. It allows an adversary to compromise systems with relative ease. In most cases, this can result in circumvention of perimeter security technologies protecting internal corporate networks from attackers on the public Internet. Microsoft has released a patch which fixes a serious remote desktop services remote code execution vulnerability (CVE-2019-0708). This vulnerability affects Windows XP, Vista, 7, Server 2003 and Server 2008. The patch has been made available to currently supported operating systems, which are Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008. In a rare move, Microsoft is also releasing update for Windows XP…